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7 Best Practice Facebook Ad Copy Templates

Facebook Ad Copy Template

Use these Facebook ad templates to level up your marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. These templates will help you quickly build a variety of ads and jumpstart your Facebook advertising.

The examples here have been created using the formulas and follow a very specific structure. Pay more attention to the structure because as long as you follow this then it will be very easy for you to come up with a persuasive copy.

Another thing to keep in mind is the relationship with the audience. The messaging for those who are already familiar with the brand will be much different than those who have never heard of your brand.

Keep in mind that the copy has been created from scratch. When you follow the structure you should easily be able to come up with an even better copy!

Other things to Avoid:

Personal attributes

Bold claims

Showing money" in images/videos

Showing images that are zoomed in on a particular body part (teeth, stomach, butt, breasts)

Showing before and after photos (fitness/ weightloss particularly)

Facebook Ad Template By

Instructions For Better Ad Copy

  • Be sure you follow Facebook’s advertising policies

  • Use the Facebook Ad Library to see the exact ads your competitors are running. Then, try a similar but improved approach… or a totally different one.

  • Use the Dynamic Creative ad type. This lets you include different versions of each part of your ad.

The 7 Ad Copy Templates.

Ad Copy 1: PainQuestion

Pain Point as a question

• Benefit

• Authority/Social Proof

• Benefit

Call To Action

Ad Copy Example:

Working hard at the gym. but not getting the results you want? (Pain FI.oint as a question)

XYZgym's boot camp classes will help you crush your fitness goals! (Benefit)

Trusted by hundreds of happy members (Authority/Social Proof)

Finally, get the results you've always wanted (Benefit)

Sign up now for your free personal training session! (Call To Action).

Ad Copy 2: Limited Time Offer

• Urgency/Scarcity

• Social Proof

• Call To Action

Ad Copy Example:

Our 30% off personal training special ends tonight(Urgency)

Join hundreds of happy members who can't stop coming back for more (Social Proof)

Don't put it off, sign up now and get 30% off personal training sessions! (Call To Action)

Ad Copy3: Capturing attention with Industry facts

Industry relevant fact

• Fear Factor

• Solution

Call To Action

AdCopy Example:

The average home is filled with over 9,000 types of germs and bacteria. (Relevant Fact)

Children are most at risk to be infected(Fear Factor)

Protect your family with an XYZ disinfectant product that eliminates 99.9% of germs and bacteria!


Get your XYZ disinfectant product now for only $X! (Call To Action)

Facebook Ads Templates By adespresso

Ad Copy 4: Social Proof

• Review/Case Study

• Social Proof/call To Action.

Ad Copy Example:

Since Mike started using our XYZservice their _has increased improved 3X.(Review/ Case


Join hundreds of other happy customers who've used XYZ service to increase improve their XYZ (Social Proof + Call To Action)

Ad Copy 5: Creative imagination

Imagine Benefit +Solution

• Benefit

• Realization, Pitch, Call To Action

Ad Copy Example:

Imagine waking up and doing what you love every single day (Imagine Benefit)

Imagine starting a business that allowed you the freedom to work from anywhere in the world.

(Imagine Benefit)

Start an XYZbusinrss today that has helped 100 others quit their job and work from anywhere in the world. Find out how you can follow in their footsteps here: (Realization, Pitch, Call To Action)

Ad Copy 6: Facts


• Fact

• Benefit

Call To Action

Ad Copy Example:

Did you know there are XYZ people in your area searching for a dentist on Google? (Fact)

Unfortunately. They are not able to find you because you're not showing up on the first page.


Discover how you can show up on the first page and capitalize on those searching for your services. (Benefit) I

Click here to find out more: (Call To Action)

Ad Copy 7: Target Audience

Target Audience+ Pain Point

• Pain Point

Offer + CallTo Action AdCopy Example:

Sawybusinessowners know that in order to get to the next level, they must keep their pipeline full of leads. (Target Audience + Pain Point)

Nobody understands how difficult it is to manage to provide a great service while also getting more customers quite like you, right? (Pain Point)


Laptop with increase the ROI from Ads on facebook


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