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The Top 10 Social Media Trends You Should Follow Up In 2022

Social Media dominate in 2022.

It Is Again, Social media manages everywhere day after day. We have changes of strategies and a Rise up of platforms and other eliminates.

Is TikTok Will defeat Instagram, Is social media advertising will be The First strategy?

The future of online Shopping Through platforms, Influencer Marketing? Is organic engagement any better? Is it necessary to host a live audio chat once a week?

More and More. We’ve got strategies to plan, and we need to know: which social media trends are going to change the game in 2022?

After research, We Can sum up The Trends In 2022 In ten Top Trends.

  1. TikTok will dominate the social media Presence.

  2. Reaching new audiences will be the number one Goal on social media.

  3. Turn your eyes towards smaller networks (Tik Tok, Snapchat, and Pinterest).

  4. B2B market will investement more in Instagram and Twitter.

  5. Influencer Marketing Rise Up.

  6. Social Media Advertising Will be More demand.

  7. Short-Form Content And Long-Form (Snackable Content), Beside audio chat (Social Audio Strategy).

  8. Social Media Selling Happens On Social Media Platforms.

  9. Align to Social Media Listening Strategy.

  10. Augmented reality (AR) in The Up Phase.

Social Media Trends In 2022

1- TikTok will dominate the social media Presence.

TikTok surpassed the 1 billion user mark in September 2021. That made it the 7th most popular social network in the world.

If you exclude messaging networks, TikTok is the 4th most popular social media network after Instagram.

With fast growth, it's easy to assume it's a passing fad — but that doesn't seem to be the case here. HubSpot's social team believes TikTok offers unique opportunities to engage directly with consumers, and major brands such as the NBA and Dunkin' are leveraging the app to reach new audiences.

"This popularity has also encouraged the more established social media platforms, including Instagram and YouTube, to experiment with new content forms that will grab the attention of the TikTok generation." Ben Jeffries, CEO of

The World Most Used Social Platforms


TikTok introduced several helpful business tools in 2020 and 2021, including business profiles, ads, and a creator marketplace. This could be why businesses are feeling more optimistic about it this year.

When asked which social platforms they considered most effective for reaching their business goals, 24% said TikTok. This is a 700% increase over 2020.

In 2022, we'll continue to see the rise of TikTok as more brands explore how they can leverage the app's popularity to expand brand awareness and reach new audiences. Additionally, we'll watch TikTok's ripple effect on the social media landscape at large, as other platforms alter their features to expand the emphasis on short-form, "snackable" content.


2- Reaching new audiences will be the number one Goal on social media.

Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) listed the decline of organic reach as their #1 challenge.

This makes sense. The decline of organic reach has been well-documented for years, especially on Facebook and Instagram. And most SMBs have limited funds to put towards “pay-to-play” tactics.

The average organic reach for a Facebook post is 5.2%. That means only 5% of your followers may ever see your posts if you don’t put any paid budget behind them.

In 2021, HubSpot's Blog Research found the primary goals of most marketers' social media strategies were:

Advertising products/services (35%)

Increasing brand awareness/reaching new audiences (34%)

Increasing revenue/sales (34%)

As we enter 2022, most marketers primary goals include:

  • Increasing brand awareness/reaching new audiences (39%)

  • Fostering relationships with customers/increasing brand loyalty (33%)

  • Improving customer service and retention (32%)

Social Marketers Top Goals For Social Media


To increase your social media presence, it's critical you stay active and consistent in your posting, leverage trends and buzzy content, and invest in high-quality creative assets.

3- Turn Your Eyes Towards Smaller Networks (Tik Tok, Snapchat, and Pinterest).

Of all the social media trends on this list, this one is perhaps the most surprising.

The consumers ranked TikTok ads as more inspiring and enjoyable than ads on other platforms. Kantar Research

A Pinterest Business study showed that ads on Pinterest had higher ROI and cheaper conversion rates than ads on other social networks.

Tiktok, Snapchat, and pinterest growth

Google Trends also shows increasing search demand over the last two years for ads on these networks. TikTok is leading the charge.

French beauty brand MAKE UP FOREVER ran an in-feed TikTok ad as part of a larger brand awareness campaign. It features a creator testing and reviewing a new foundation as they would on their own channel.

The campaign generated more than 11 million impressions and 10 million video views for the brand across France.

4- B2B market will investement more in Instagram and Twitter.

Instagram and Twitter aren't new to the social scene, but many marketers are still seeing increases in ROI across both.

Instagram is a fantastic platform for B2B marketers. It provides a space for making new connections in almost any industry, at almost any stage in their development. With more than 600 million users, it’s a gold mine for connecting with your current and potential customers.

If you Think It is Just Thoughts Wait to know 7 Big B2B Brands Using Instagram

Twitter: a prime place to spot trends and interact with customers and business influencers alike.

Instagram: ideal for visuals (think: infographics, brief how-tos) and culture-centric content.

As Twitter and Instagram continue to succeed, we'll see more marketers invest in both platforms in 2022. HubSpot's Blog found 70% of marketing professionals plan to invest more heavily in Twitter in 2022, and 63% plan to invest more heavily in Instagram.

5- Influencer Marketing Rise Up.

The creator economy has been around for about a decade. But it boomed during the pandemic as people looked for ways to diversify their income.

Many people trusted influencers more than brands during the pandemic. Which is why influencer marketing is a strong avenue to explore in 2022.

According to The State of Influencer Marketing 2021: Benchmark Report By Influencer Marketing Hub Influencer Marketing Expected to Grow to be Worth $13.8 Billion This year 2021.

Influencer Marketing Growth in 2021

"To see great results, you can run an impact-oriented influencer marketing campaign with 10-30 micro-influencers for at least 6-12 months. If you get it right, you could skyrocket your business growth quickly." Gaurav Sharma, founder and CEO of Attrock

Unsurprisingly, considering the overall positive sentiment expressed about influencer marketing, 90% of our survey respondents believe influencer marketing to be an effective form of marketing.

Influencer Marketing Effect

6- Social Media Advertising Will be More demand.

As Google plans to phase out cookie tracking by 2023, you'll begin to see "the death of the third party cookie" happen in the upcoming year — which means many marketers will need to pivot their existing strategies as social advertising evolves.

this is a good opportunity to develop a data-driven strategy using metrics to understand your users' interests and preferences on a deeper and more personal level.

Many social platforms Has its own advertising format, Tiktok Spark Ads Rising Up

7- Short-Form Content And Long-Form (Snackable Content), Beside audio chat (Social Audio Strategy).

Clubhouse launched in April 2020 but grew steeply in popularity in early 2021.

Twitter launched its social audio platform, Spaces, quickly after. And Facebook is also reportedly trying to enter the ephemeral live audio format.

The HubSpot Blog found 64% of marketers plan to leverage more short-form videos in 2022. Snackable content has been proven effective, so these short-form videos will likely be brief, engaging, digestible pieces of content that span across social channels.

As to HootSuite Survey shows, the majority of businesses seem to think it is worth it.

Are you planning to invest in Audio Content


8- Social Media Selling Happens On Social Media Platforms.

Over the past few years, social platforms have worked hard to create native shopping experiences so users can purchase products without ever leaving their sites.

Consider, for instance, Instagram's Shoppable Stories, where you can tap on a product sticker to purchase without leaving the app.

eMarketer predicts social commerce will be an $80 billion industry by 2025. It’s riding the coattails of equally massive e-commerce growth (an increase of 18% in 2020 alone).

Retail Social commerce 2019-2025 eMarketer

Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are the most popular. And TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube aren’t far behind.

9- Align to Social Media Listening Strategy.

This trend is backed by data from Hootsuite’s 2022 Social Media Trends survey. Most respondents said that they either somewhat or strongly agree that social listening has increased in value for their organization over the past 12 months. HootSuite.

Social Media listening increased

According to MOZ Keyword research, Social listening Rank well and up rising.

10- Augmented reality (AR) in The Up Phase.

Augmented Reality (AR) has been around for a few years now, and it's becoming increasingly common for brands to use AR to enable consumers' to test products before purchase.

AR has proven effective for a business' bottom line, as well. In fact, AR can improve click-through rates to purchase by upwards of 33%.

If you think AR could be a good fit for your brand, Snapchat is an effective platform to test it — the social platform reaches over 90% of 13-24 year olds, and over 75% of 13-34 year olds in the U.S., including nearly one of every two smartphone users, so it's a good opportunity to get your products in front of a large audience.



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1 Comment

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Oct 19, 2023

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